If you have painful hemorrhoid and want to naturally relieve your symptoms this read is for you. Of course, not every case of hemorrhoids can be managed at home. But, if your condition is less severe, you can try managing hemorrhoids with these four simple moves.
4 Keys to Managing Hemorrhoids At Home
Do you want to naturally relieve your pesky hemorrhoid symptoms? Try incorporating these simple lifestyle moves!
Get more fiber
Following a diet for hemorrhoids, with fiber at its center, can help soften your bowel movements. In turn, you're less likely to strain when you're in the bathroom. And that can relieve existing hemorrhoids while preventing new ones from forming.
Take a soak
If you want to relieve hemorrhoids, hop in the tub and take a warm soak! To add soothing properties, pour some Epsom salt into the water and stay put for a minimum of 15 minutes. And once you're out of the water? Use a patting, not a rubbing, motion, to completely dry the skin of your perineum.
Don't sit for too long
Whether you're sitting too long on the toilet, at your desk, or behind the wheel, spending lots of time on your butt can aggravate your hemorrhoids. So, to relieve existing hemorrhoids and avoid forming new swollen vessels in or around your anus, make sure to get up every hour or so instead of sitting too long at the party.
And workout more often
By exercising regularly, you will sit less. Also, you may relieve mild constipation, and lose some weight, which could also help relieve some of your hemorrhoid symptoms.
Managing Hemorrhoids with Medical Procedures
At home care for hemorrhoids can relieve symptoms for patients with mild conditions. However, if you have been diagnosed with stage 2 or 3 internal hemorrhoids, you will likely need medical support to treat your condition. Want hemorrhoid relief, but want to avoid invasive surgery? Click here to request an appointment with our hemorrhoid specialists in Georgia, to see if you're a candidate for hemorrhoid artery embolization!
Patients with hemorrhoids may be told to change their diets. Why is that the case? Dietary changes can reduce constipation. And that could eliminate hemorrhoid risk factors such as straining and sitting for too long on the toilet. But what's the best diet to help hemorrhoids? Here's what you need to know.
Diet to Help Hemorrhoids: Embrace Fiber
A high-fiber diet can help manage hemorrhoid symptoms by giving you softer stools. But what foods should you include in that diet? Try adding:
- Pears, prunes, apples and berries
- Squash, peas and collard greens
- Navy, pinto and/or kidney beans
- Whole grains such as shredded wheat and bran
Make sure to also drink lots of water every day, and get plenty of regular exercise. For some patients, these lifestyle changes will be sufficient to prevent or treat mild hemorrhoids. But others will need more help to find relief.
When to Ask for Help
Lifestyle changes work well when you're dealing with mild hemorrhoids. But if your condition is more severe, and you experience bleeding when you pass bowel movements, it's time to seek medical intervention.
So, if you don't find relief with a diet to help hemorrhoids, it's time to visit the Georgia Hemorrhoid Institute! Our experts perform hemorrhoid artery embolization, a minimally-invasive procedure that relieves hemorrhoids by reducing their blood supply. And, in the process, you can avoid overnight hospital stays, surgery, and many medical complications.Are you ready to discover if you are a candidate for hemorrhoid artery embolization? Click here to request an appointment.
Sitting on the toilet for too long can wreak havoc on your lower body. But how can something so basic cause so many concerns? Let's dive in, together.
The Problem With Sitting on the Toilet Too Long
Extended toilet sitting compresses nerves in the perineum. (Located between a man's anus and scrotum or a woman's anus and vulva.) Immediately, that can lead to perineal numbness, or foot and leg tingling once you get up off the toilet.
But that's just a temporary concern; sitting too long on the toilet can lead to more lasting damage. Why is that the case? Staying in this position puts pressure on the rectum, especially since the hole in the toilet allows your rectum to drop below the height of the buttocks. Add in straining or constipation (common reasons for extending your toilet time) and you've got the perfect recipe for hemorrhoid formation.
What are Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are enlarged rectal veins. They form under pressure, like the kind that comes from sitting too long on the toilet. And that's because the combination of pressure and gravity lets blood collect in the veins in your rectum. That makes it harder for blood to flow naturally, causing bulging hemorrhoids to form. In turn, you may develop symptoms such as itching, discomfort or bleeding with bowel movements. And that should suggest that it's time to explore treatment options.
Internal Hemorrhoid Relief in Georgia
If sitting on the toilet too long has left you with symptoms of internal hemorrhoids, we're ready to provide relief! Click here to request an appointment at the Georgia Hemorrhoid Institute. When you come in, we'll review your minimally invasive treatment options!
Here at the Georgia Hemorrhoid Institute, we offer stage 2 and 3 internal hemorrhoid treatment with minimally invasive Hemorrhoid Artery Embolization (HAE). But how can you decide when to seek treatment for hemorrhoids? Why do hemorrhoids form in the first place? And what are your treatment options? This post will answer these questions and more!
Understanding hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins. They can form inside the rectum or around the anal opening. Your grade of hemorrhoid will be based on the severity of your symptoms, from mild to severe. And those symptoms may include itching, bleeding pain and prolapsing veins, among others.
Why do I have hemorrhoids?
You may develop hemorrhoids if:
- You have a diet low in fiber
- You must strain to pass a bowel movement
- You sit for long periods of the day, particularly when using the bathroom
- You're pregnant or just had a baby
- Obesity is a concern
- You're lifting heavy objects
Once hemorrhoids form, you may find them inside the rectum) or under the skin surrounding the anus. While external hemorrhoids may be more painful, internal hemorrhoids can cause more concerning symptoms such as bleeding with bowel movements.
When to seek treatment for hemorrhoids
Mildly symptomatic hemorrhoids can be managed with simple lifestyle changes. Try drinking more water and eating more fiber to reduce straining. You may also find relief by taking an over-the-counter stool softeners or by applying hemorrhoid cream to external veins.
Sometimes, these methods will quickly resolve your problem. But if you're bleeding when you pass bowel movements, it's time to start considering when to seek treatment for hemorrhoids. And you should certainly seek medical intervention if symptoms persist or worsen, or if you've noticed a prolapsed hemorrhoid. (A bulge that comes out of the anus. Sometimes it can be manually returned into the rectum, but in more severe cases, it remains prolapsed, even with manual replacement.)
Finally, if your symptoms are disrupting your life or causing undue distress, Click here to request an appointment with our hemorrhoid experts in Georgia. When we see you at your appointment, we can help you decide when to seek treatment for hemorrhoids, and determine if you’re a good candidate for hemorrhoid artery embolization.
Internal hemorrhoids can cause symptoms like bleeding when you pass stool. For most patients, that symptom is scary, but not a serious medical concern. Sometimes, however, bleeding hemorrhoids could require immediate medical attention. So, how can you identify the dangers of bleeding hemorrhoids? And can treatment prevent complications? Here's what you need to know.
Types of Hemorrhoids
Your hemorrhoids may form internally, inside the rectum, or externally, surrounding the anal opening. Both internal and external hemorrhoids may bleed, but this symptom is most frequently associated with internal hemorrhoids, especially if you notice bright red blood with bowel movements. Usually, the bleeding isn't dangerous. However, internal hemorrhoids can also cause itchiness and discomfort, causing many patients to seek relief through treatment.
When do Hemorrhoids Bleed?
Hemorrhoids may bleed for a number of reasons. Most often, you'll notice bleeding when you strain to pass stool; the pressure may damage the hemorrhoid surface, causing bleeding.
Less commonly, bleeding is a sign that a hemorrhoid has burst, and that can be a more serious concern. Rarely, hemorrhoid formation damages your delicate surrounding skin, causing bleeding due to ulceration. However, most patients can avoid these complications by seeking timely hemorrhoid treatment.
Are There Dangers of Bleeding Hemorrhoids?
Can bleeding hemorrhoids be dangerous? In fact, they can, if your hemorrhoids become thrombosed (an internal blood clot forms). Thrombosed hemorrhoids may rupture and lead to heavy bleeding, requiring immediate medical attention. Yet you can usually avoid this complication by treating your hemorrhoids when their symptoms are still less severe.
Seeking Treatment Can Prevent Dangers of Bleeding Hemorrhoids
As soon as you notice bleeding hemorrhoids, it's time to start exploring treatment options. At the Georgia Hemorrhoid Institute, we perform minimally invasive hemorrhoid artery embolization (HAE) to treat stage two and three internal hemorrhoids. This option provides relief from bleeding, while allowing you to avoid surgery and overnight hospital stays.
Ready to relieve your bleeding hemorrhoids? Our specialists are prepared to help! Click here to request an appointment with our hemorrhoid specialists in Georgia.
Hemorrhoids cause many disruptive symptoms. These include itching, bleeding and discomfort in and around your anus. But can you have intercourse with hemorrhoids? Here's the low down on getting busy with this condition.
Undertsanding Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids (or piles) are enlarged veins that develop in your rectum or anus. We can diagnose this condition using a scale of severity, ranging from Grade 1 to Grade 4.
- Grade 1 hemorrhoids are small, usually invisible and not palpable. They may bleed when you pass bowel movements, but are unlikely to hurt.
- Grade 2 hemorrhoids are larger, and may protrude from your anus during bowel movements. They can also cause pain, itching and bleeding.
- Grade 3 hemorrhoids bulge out of the anal canal, only returning inside with manual repositioning. They also cause disruptive symptoms.
- Grade 4 hemorrhoids bulge out of your anal canal, even after manual repositioning. They cause severe symptoms.
Having intercourse with hemorrhoids
Your sex life may be unaffected by less severe hemorrhoids. But with grade two, three or four hemorrhoids, it may be too painful to engage in anal or vaginal penetration. Of course, you can find other ways to connect intimately while you explore your hemorrhoid treatment options. But seeking medical intervention is likely the only way you'll be able to fully re-engage in a unimpeded sex life.
Hemorrhoid Treatment in Georgia
Here at the Georgia Hemorrhoid Institute, we perform Hemorrhoid artery embolization (HAE), a non-surgical procedure that relieves grade two and three hemorrhoids symptoms. Unlike surgical hemorrhoid removal, it comes with a faster recovery period, along with fewer side effects and minimal discomfort.
Are you having difficulty engaging in intercourse with hemorrhoids? Are you ready to find lasting symptom relief? Click here to request an appointment with our hemorrhoid experts in Georgia.
If you want to eliminate internal hemorrhoids without surgery, you need to explore Hemorrhoidal Artery Embolization (HAE), an exciting new treatment option. But why do hemorrhoids form, what symptoms do they cause, and how can you find relief? Keep reading to find out!
What are Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are bulges that form due to abnormal connections between the arteries and veins in your rectum. In the past, you needed surgery to eliminate internal hemorrhoids. But, today, you can choose embolization, which relieves your symptoms by blocking blood flow to abnormal connections between vessels.
Why Choose HAE to Eliminate Internal Hemorrhoids?
Today, HAE is a popular alternative to hemorrhoid surgery. Already, thousands of people have found relief from this effective, minimally invasive treatment options. Consider its advantages:
- Comfort: Treatment is delivered through a tiny puncture on your inner thigh
- Convenience: Patients are able to walk out of the procedure and go home on the same day
- Effective relief: Studies prove that HAE significantly improves the symptoms of internal hemorrhoids, delivering results that are comparable to surgery, but with lower risk for side effects or complications
Who is a Candidate?
HAE may be the best way to eliminate internal hemorrhoids if you:
- Have stage two or three internal hemorrhoids
- Experience heavy bleeding or other intrusive symptoms
- Have a prolapsed hemorrhoid
Meet the Expert at Eliminating Internal Hemorrhoids
Dr. Kevin T. Lie is a double board-certified vascular and interventional radiologist; he specializes in HAE, and has more than two decades of experience in the field.
As the lead Vascular and Interventional Radiologist at our Georgia Hemorrhoid Institute, Dr. Lie brings his knowledge and expertise to elevate your patient experience and deliver optimal results. Ready to see if HAE is the right treatment to relieve your internal hemorrhoid symptoms?
Click here to request an appointment today.
Are you choosing between hemorrhoid embolization and hemorrhoidectomy? Remember, though both are treatment options for hemorrhoids, they are very different procedures in terms of invasiveness, complication risk and recovery period. Yet, despite their differences, both procedures offer similar success rates when it comes to hemorrhoid relief! So, how can you choose the right treatment? Keep reading to learn more.
Hemorrhoids by the Numbers
Symptomatic hemorrhoids are enlarged veins that form in your rectum and/or in the anus. Your hemorrhoids may be internal (located in the lower rectum, above the anus); external (located around the anus); or thrombosed (either internal or external, but containing a blood clot.)
If you want to find relief from hemorrhoids, you'll need to know the severity of your condition, determined by a grade number, since this classification will help guide your treatment choices.
- Grade 1 hemorrhoids are small, unpalpable and typically not visible. They can still cause bleeding during bowel movements but are unlikely to cause other symptoms.
- Grade 2 hemorrhoids may protrude outside your anus during bowel movements, but typically return inside afterward. Symptoms include pain, discomfort, itching and bleeding.
- Grade 3 hemorrhoids bulge outside the anal canal, only returning inside with physical manipulation. They also cause pain, bleeding, and itching.
- Grade 4 symptomatic hemorrhoids are severely prolapsed and won’t stay inside the anal canal even when manually repositioned. Symptoms are also severe.
Understanding hemorrhoid embolization
Hemorrhoid embolization, also called hemorrhoid artery embolization (HAE) is a non-surgical hemorrhoid treatment. This minimally invasive procedure comes with a high success rate, reduced discomfort, a faster recovery period and a reduced risk for complications.
HAE is a great treatment option for patients with grade 2-3 internal hemorrhoids who have significant discomfort. The procedure is performed after inserting a small catheter into the arteries that deliver blood to your hemorrhoids. Next, our Georgia hemorrhoid specialists inject material that blocks the arteries and cuts off blood flow to the hemorrhoids. Without that blood flow, the hemorrhoids shrink until they disappear.
Hemorrhoidectomy: what's involved?
During a hemorrhoidectomy, surgeons physically excise your hemorrhoids. This procedure is usually reserved for people with grade 3 or 4 hemorrhoids and severe symptoms, since the surgery has a high risk for complications that include bleeding, urine retention, urinary tract infections, fecal impaction or fecal incontinence.
Hemorrhoid embolization vs hemorrhoidectomy success rates
Hemorrhoidectomy has a 95% success rate at treating severe hemorrhoids. But the procedure also often causes serious complications and requires an extensive recovery procedure.
In contrast, HAE effectively treats hemorrhoids, with clinical studies consistently demonstrating its high success rate for treating internal grade 2-3 hemorrhoids, effectively reducing bleeding, itching, and discomfort while significantly improving your overall quality of life.
Even better? Compared to hemorrhoidectomy, HAE has a lower complication risk. It’s also commonly performed on an outpatient basis, allowing you to avoid an overnight hospital stay. And, because it’s a minimally invasive discomfort, HAE also minimizes your discomfort and recovery period. Finally, HAE is a more affordable treatment option, since it allows you to avoid long hospital stays.
So, if you have a choice between hemorrhoid embolization vs hemorrhoidectomy, which one should you choose? Well, if you have grade 2 or 3 hemorrhoids, here’s your answer: the relief they provide is likely to be the same, but the cost, pain and risk for complications is much lower for HAE than for hemorrhoidectomy.
Ready to find out if you’re a candidate for HAE in Georgia? Click here to request an appointment
If you want to get rid of internal hemorrhoids, it’s important to understand why you develop this condition, plus how we can prevent or treat it. Let’s explore together.
What are internal hemorrhoids?
Lying inside the rectum, these swollen vessels aren’t visible, and you can’t usually feel them, but they can lead to symptoms including:
Bleeding with bowel movements. While painless, you may notice a bit of blood, usually bright red in color, on your toilet paper or in the toilet bowl.
A prolapsed hemorrhoid, meaning the swollen vessels has pushed through the opening of your anus, leading to irritation and pain.
What are the causes?
The veins surrounding your anus may stretch and swell or bulge when they face pressure. And that pressure could come from:
Straining to pass a bowel movement.
Extended periods of sitting, particularly when sitting on the toilet.
Chronic constipation or diarrhea.
Anal intercourse.
Following a diet that’s low in fiber.
Lifting heavy items with frequency.
Preventing internal hemorrhoids
The best way to get rid of internal hemorrhoids is to prevent them from forming. And the best way to do that is to make sure your bowel movements pass easily. To that end, you can eat high-fiber foods including whole-grains, fruits and veggies. Aim to drink between six and eight glasses of liquid each day (water is best) and, if diet alone isn’t helping you pass stool, consider adding fiber supplements to the mix.
Then, when you feel the need to pass your bowels, avoid straining or pushing with effort. Also, make sure to engage in regular exercise, since regular movement can help you maintain and stay at your optimal weight, while also encouraging additional fluid intake.
How Can I Get Rid of Internal Hemorrhoids? Choose HAE in Georgia
When diet and lifestyle measures fail to prevent internal hemorrhoids, and you’re not ready, willing or able to undergo surgical treatment, hemorrhoid artery embolization is a great way to get rid of your problem! Ideal for patients with grade 1 to 3 internal hemorrhoids, this minimally invasive treatment option is performed as an out-patient procedure without general anaesthesia or an overnight hospital stay.
If you've been searching for internal hemorrhoid treatment, we invite you to explore Hemorrhoidal Artery Embolization (HAE). This safe, clinically proven treatment option offers an effective and minimally invasive way for you to get rid of hemorrhoids.
Remember, hemorrhoids are enlarged vessels that develop due to abnormal connections between the veins and arteries in your rectum. As such, we can block blood flow to these vessels with embolization, shrinking your hemorrhoids and resolving unpleasant symptoms such as bleeding.
Why Should You Consider HAE for Internal Hemorrhoid Treatment?
Today, more patients are seeking hemorrhoidal artery embolization (HAE) because it provides an alternative to surgery for relieving the discomfort of internal hemorrhoids. Additional advantages of HAE include:
We can perform HAE by inserting a catheter through a pin-size access point on your leg. As such, you won't need general anesthesia or an overnight hospital stay. And you'll be able to walk out of your procedure and head home on that same day!
Success rate of HAE is high
Research reveals that patients find comparable symptom relief when choosing HAE or surgery for internal hemorrhoid treatment, yet HAE comes with reduced risk for complications, meaning it's a...
Safer internal hemorrhoid treatment
Unlike procedures such as a hemorrhoidectomy, rubber band ligation or infrared coagulation, HAE does not result in any reported side effects .
When Should You Come to the Georgia Hemorrhoid Institute?
Good candidates for HAE have:
An internal hemorrhoid diagnosis
Disruptive symptoms such as heavy bleeding
Prolapsed internal hemorrhoids
Meet our Interventional Radiologist, Specializing in Internal Hemorrhoid Treatment
At the Georgia Hemorrhoid Institute, Dr. Kevin T. Lie (a dual board-certified vascular and interventional radiologist) specializes in hemorrhoid artery embolization. With more than two decades of experience in this field, he welcomes patients seeking effective internal hemorrhoid treatment.
Under Dr Lie's expert care, the Georgia Hemorrhoid Institute offers effective hemorrhoid treatment solutions. Our hemorrhoid artery embolization procedure yields exceptional patient outcomes across age groups and diverse patient populations. Click here to request an appointment or contact our helpful representatives today at 678-915-2000 for help determining if HAE is the right treatment option for your needs.