Is Hemorrhoid Removal Surgery Right for Me?
Medical treatments for hemorrhoids might involve either hemorrhoid surgery or non-surgical interventions. We’ll take a look at the two treatment categories.
An estimated three-quarters of American adults suffer from hemorrhoids during their lifespan.
Hemorrhoids can develop internally or externally. While internal and external hemorrhoids might trigger painful and embarrassing symptoms, external hemorrhoids typically cause more severe pain and discomfort.
Most symptomatic hemorrhoids resolve without medical intervention. Very often, improving digestive health (eating more fiber and relieving constipation and straining during bowel movements) can aid in symptom management.
However, some symptomatic cases might cause abnormal bleeding or debilitating pain. When this is the case, more advanced treatments might be necessary.
When should I seek medical attention for hemorrhoids?
One of the primary reasons to see a specialist for hemorrhoids is if you experience chronic or severe symptoms. These may include excessive bleeding, intense pain, or a protrusion of tissue from the anus. A doctor can evaluate your symptoms and determine the appropriate course of treatment.
It is also advisable to consult a doctor if you are unsure whether your symptoms are due to hemorrhoids or another condition. Several other disorders can cause similar symptoms, including anal fissures, rectal prolapse, or colorectal cancer. You can obtain an accurate diagnosis and receive appropriate treatment by seeking medical advice.
Furthermore, it is wise to consult a doctor if you have a history of hemorrhoids or if they frequently recur. Recurrent hemorrhoids may require a more comprehensive treatment plan to prevent future flare-ups. A doctor can provide guidance on lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and other preventive measures to manage the condition effectively.
Pregnant women who develop hemorrhoids should also consult a doctor. Hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy due to increased pressure on the pelvic region. While they often resolve on their own after childbirth, a doctor can advise on how to alleviate symptoms and manage the condition during pregnancy.
What type of treatment should I consider?
The hemorrhoid treatment approach is determined by the severity and type of hemorrhoids, though there are also other considerations, including the patient’s overall health and risk for complications.
Non-Surgical Hemorrhoid Treatment
Symptomatic though low-grade hemorrhoids can often be managed through minimally invasive, non-surgical treatments. Most patients qualify for non-surgical treatment.
Moreover, patients with hemorrhoids that have not improved through at-home management might qualify for non-surgical treatment if they have compounding health conditions that increase their risk for surgical complications.
Non-Surgical hemorrhoid treatments include the following:
- Sclerotherapy
- Rubber band ligation
- Hemorrhoid artery embolization (HAE)
Surgical Hemorrhoid Treatment
One of the main indications for hemorrhoid surgery is when conservative treatments fail to provide relief. If hemorrhoids persist despite attempts to manage them with non-surgical methods, surgery may be considered the next course of action.
Hemorrhoid surgery might be recommended under the following conditions:
- Prolapsed internal hemorrhoid that cannot be manually repositioned
- Bleeding can only be managed through a surgical approach
- Hemorrhoids are abnormally large
- Patient has a history of symptomatic hemorrhoid recurrence
Additionally, hemorrhoid surgery may be necessary when hemorrhoids lead to complications such as strangulation. Strangulation can cause the hemorrhoidal tissue to become necrotic and ulcerated. Surgical intervention is needed to address the core issue and prevent further complications.
Surgical hemorrhoid treatments include the following:
- Hemorrhoids stapled hemorrhoidopexy
- Hemorrhoidectomy
Georgia Hemorrhoid Institute: Providing Effective Non-Surgical Hemorrhoid Relief
The decision to undergo surgery should be made in collaboration with a healthcare professional who will evaluate the severity of the hemorrhoids and the benefits and risks of the surgical procedure.
If you are experiencing symptoms of hemorrhoids and seeking a minimally invasive treatment option, Georgia Hemorrhoid Institute is here to help. Contact our caring team of specialists to schedule a consultation and discuss if hemorrhoid artery embolization is the right choice for you.
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