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Hemorrhoids Treatment

Hemorrhoid Treatment

Several treatment options are available for hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoid treatments include topical ointments, warm sitz baths, and surgical options such as hemorrhoidectomies. Internal hemorrhoid treatments include medical procedures like hemorrhoidectomy, rubber band ligation, Doppler-guided hemorrhoid artery ligation, and hemorrhoid artery embolization (HAE).

Symptomatic hemorrhoids are broadly classified into two main categories: internal and external.

What’s Involved in a Hemorrhoid Diagnosis?

A hemorrhoid diagnosis typically involves a physical examination of the anus and rectum by a healthcare provider. This may include a visual inspection and digital rectal exam to assess for swelling, tenderness, or lumps. In some cases, additional tests like a sigmoidoscopy or anoscopy may be recommended for further evaluation.

Internal Hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the rectum, at the terminal end of the large intestine, just before the anal canal. Internal hemorrhoids are typically not visible or felt unless they become prolapsed or bulge to such an extent that they protrude from the anus. Prolapsed internal hemorrhoids can cause bleeding, itching, a feeling of fullness, and sometimes severe pain.

While symptomatic hemorrhoids do not necessarily require surgical intervention, a medical professional should address internal hemorrhoids that bleed profusely or cause life-altering discomfort. Patients taking blood thinners for other health concerns are especially vulnerable to potential medical complications from excessive bleeding.

While there are numerous treatments for internal hemorrhoids, hemorrhoid artery embolization (HAE) has emerged as the most promising.

Hemorrhoid Artery Embolization (HAE)

HAE, also called superior rectal artery embolization, is an endovascular internal hemorrhoid treatment alternative to traditional surgical intervention. The HAE is a medical procedure which utilizes a minimally invasive approach that offers exceptional outcomes for patients with symptomatic internal hemorrhoids.

Embolization is a form of interventional radiology. An interventional radiologist makes a minor incision in the wrist or groin to access the rectal artery supplying blood to the internal hemorrhoids. The radiologist uses fluoroscopic imaging to guide a catheter through to the targeted network of blood vessels where embolic agents are released. The embolic agents – materials that block the transfer of blood – effectively starve the hemorrhoids of their blood supply so that they shrink, stop bleeding, and stop causing symptoms.

HAE is an outpatient procedure that does not involve general anesthesia. The treatment takes approximately 45 minutes and does not require significant recovery time. Most patients require less than one week of downtime before returning to normal activities and experience no significant post-procedure discomfort.

Alternative Internal Hemorrhoid Treatment

Hemorrhoid Banding

Rubber band ligation is a standard hemorrhoid removal treatment. It involves restricting a hemorrhoid with a tiny elastic band. The band cuts off the hemorrhoid's blood supply, and the tissue falls away.

Hemorrhoid banding, while effective, can cause significant pain and bleeding post-procedure, which can be managed with prescription medication. Additionally, certain types of banding – notably endoscopic banding – require pre-procedure bowel preparation, fasting, and sedation.

Hemorrhoid Surgery

Hemorrhoid removal surgery (hemorrhoidectomy) might be recommended for severe, grade 4 hemorrhoids. The procedure involves hemorrhoid excision using a cutting device like a scalpel, electrocautery device, or laser. This approach requires sutures, significant recovery time, wound care, and pain management.

Hemorrhoidectomy is associated with the highest rate of complications, though the success rate is considerable.

External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids develop underneath the skin of the anus. They tend to be more painful than internal hemorrhoids because they can irritate the surrounding skin. Occasionally, external hemorrhoids can become thrombosed, which means they develop a blood clot within the vein, causing severe discomfort.

External Hemorrhoid Treatment

While HAE is not recommended for external hemorrhoids, effective treatment options are available. These include the following:

Home Treatment for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid Surgery

Hemorrhoidectomy might be recommended for severe or thrombosed external hemorrhoids.

Dr. Lie - Hemorrhoid Artery Embolization

Georgia Hemorrhoid Institute: Minimally Invasive Hemorrhoid Treatment in North Atlanta

At Georgia Hemorrhoid Institute, the highly skilled medical professionals ensure that patients receive comprehensive care throughout their treatment journey. The team strives to create a comfortable and supportive environment from the initial consultation to the follow-up appointments.

If you are struggling with hemorrhoids and seeking a compassionate and effective treatment, don't wait to seek help. Contact our caring representatives today to schedule an evaluation.

Read More on Hemorrhoids Treatments Offered:

  • Are You a Candidate?
  • HAE Screening Questions
  • Hemorrhoids Symptoms
  • Patient Resources
  • Videos: Insights & Techniques
  • What are Hemorrhoids?
  • What Causes Hemorrhoids?
  • Take the Quiz
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    Find out if HAE is the right treatment option for your grade 2 or 3 internal hemorrhoids. Schedule a consultation with our team today.
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    3225 Cumberland Blvd. Southeast, Suite 520
    Atlanta, GA 30339

    1035 Southcrest Dr., Suite 220 + 250
    Stockbridge, GA 30281

    1975 Lakeside Pkwy., Suite 300
    Tucker, GA 30084

    Monday – Friday
    8am – 5pm


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